I’m such an opportunist.
I haven’t blogged since a year
and three months now. Agreed, I have blogged on my Tumblr. But those have been cool
website links, two liners, photos & videos, some advertising copy I’ve
written; in essence, all the articles that don’t take too much time to put up. An
easy way to pacify the lethargic mind.
Since the last post on this blog,
your writer has suffered (mindless) emotional turmoil, an exaggerated bout of restlessness,
I-have-to-figure-myself-out-ness and have lost faith in writing short fiction.
I named this blog just over two
years ago with no particular reasoning. Miraculously, today I cannot find a
better name for the portal that is curated by a sluggish, confused writer than
Blog in a Spot.
I’ll round off by justifying the opening
line. During the aforementioned year-long hiatus, I reveled with companions, forgetting
the few activities that brought me joy during my times in solitude. Now that I’m
back to square one, I am returning to those very few activities that I so
comfortably ignored. Blogging is one of them.
I believe this is a comeback.
And to you, dear reader, I want
to say stay tuned!
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